
2 min readNov 29, 2021


Isn’t this nice? Look, there are people who want what you have, therefore you should be grateful for the good things you have and you should ‘distance yourself from negativity’. Just think about how you’re better than so many people, there’s a whole ocean, a whole class, you might say, of people out there who are just dirty trash that will drag you down into negative land so just forget about them. Once you do, ‘beautiful things happen’!

This whole mindset is trash. Just look at the positive things? What, and forget about the negative things? So people can just be happy happy happy and ignore bad things? “Sorry, we had to cut your pension and health insurance” “Oh don’t worry about it, I’m just grateful to be working here, I’ve never been happier since I distanced myself from negativity!” Oh and those people who are unemployed and/or homeless and/or depressed and/or sick, I guess we’re just going to quickly acknowledge their existence in order to put ourselves on a pedestal above them and then promptly forget that they exist because that would be something negative.

Find something to be grateful for? How about we find a way to eliminate the negative things so that we can all be happy happy happy without having to play mind tricks on ourselves? If someone comes up to you with a problem, what, should they just forget about that whole negative ‘problem’ thing and instead try to find something they should be grateful for? What an effective method! Everyone should just shut up with their problems and just be happy that they don’t have it worse!

There are ways to promote healthy, productive sorts of ‘positivity’ but stuff like this isn’t it. Too much negativity isn’t good but certainly negative things are reality and we can never turn negatives into positives if we just pretend they don’t exist.




Just want to liberate people from the evils of capitalism and build something better.